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How Geofencing Helps to Keep Your Kids safe?

Children are curious! Ignoring the consequences and implications, they want to see what the world has to offer, and they want to do it all. The responsibility, however, falls on the shoulders of parents who want to make the world a better place for their children.

Taking this into account, parenting has been more complex today than in the past. You never know when this vast and dangerous internet world will swallow your child. As a parent, you want to keep an eye on your children at all times or at the very least know where they are. Unfortunately, they can get away from you and leave you worried when you can't find them. 

Helps to Keep Your Kids safe

And if that box is checked, you still have many other big-city dangers to think about (many of which collide with small-town dangers). When children are left to their own devices, they can contact dangerous people, explore hazardous industrial sites, or become lost in an unfamiliar environment.

And that's only in a typical week! So, how do you keep an eye on your children all of the time? How do you keep track of their location with some degree of accuracy?

It is commonly stated that the internet has made child abuse incredibly convenient for perpetrators. However, it is essential to note that technology is just as good as we make it. Many technological resources have enormous potential for preventing child violence. Fortunately, GPS-based location trackers, spying apps, and now Geofencing tools have made it easier for parents to keep track of their children.

What is Geofencing?
Fearing for their children's wellbeing, some parents forbid them from hanging out with friends and walk them to school until they're almost ready to leave the nest. Restricting independence is rarely the best option, and it can never achieve perfect security, either online or offline.

Excessive nannying, according to experts, can damage a child's self-esteem and credibility among peers, not to mention that an overprotected child can struggle to become an independent adult.

To grasp the concept of Geofencing, we simply need to build on the idea of GPS by pinpointing a position and defining a virtual geographical boundary around it. It is possible to establish invisible boundaries or fences in a location using devices with RFID and GPS applications.

When you build geofencing, it appears as a virtual fence on your screen. If the person or object carrying a monitoring device enters or exits the virtual boundaries of the Geofencing, the Geofencing operator receives warnings. Geofencing technology works very well for tablets and smartphones.

These devices use ground stations, receivers, and satellites to locate an individual's or object's precise location on the earth's surface. This technology is widely used in virtual maps to determine the precise position of various locations. I'm sure all of you have used GPS in your smartphones, vehicles, and other devices to find a friend's location or to navigate the streets.

Some parents use Geofencing-enabled driving apps to monitor where their teenagers go when they get in the car. When these apps are installed, parents may specify which areas are permitted. When a teen leaves the permitted field, the parents receive a push notification. Geofencing technology is also used by Apple's Siri Assistant to provide location-based reminders. When you tell Siri to remind you to let the dogs out when you get home, she will use your location and the area around your home as a Geofencing to activate the alert.

Fortunately, this dilemma has similar modern solutions in the modern world. These days, it is not difficult to keep track of your child's whereabouts without interfering with their lives. It also does not necessitate complete surveillance.

Geofencing is a brilliant technology with various practical applications. Commercial use of Geofencing is quickly gaining traction worldwide, from sending promotional promotions to herding cattle. One of the most recent technology applications is a powerful parental tech tool for tracking children's whereabouts.

How does Geofencing Work, and How do You Distinguish Between ‘Safe' and ‘Danger' zones?
Geofencing makes use of GPS monitoring, which is standard in most smartphone systems. You can build and set virtual perimeters based on natural geographical areas using a Child Safety Tracker app. And, if your phone-wielding child leaves or reaches certain areas, alerts are sent to your cell phone, informing you of their location.

Set boundaries around areas your child often visits or remains in to create safe zones. Such as your home and immediate community, their school district, your local church, and places you regularly take your boys, such as afterschool destinations and activity venues. 'Danger' zones may be places in your neighborhood that aren't kid-friendly or are notoriously dangerous for children.

What Aid Geofencing Provides To Parents
It's better knowing where your child is at all times, which gives a parent or guardian relief and satisfaction because you want to guarantee that your child is safe at all times. As a result, Geofencing will assist you in the following ways:

  • Stay up to date 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can keep track of your children using Geofencing even though you are at work or on vacation.
  • Keep track of teens who are allowed to drive – You can set up Geofencing in your car to know whether your child is in the designated zone. When the car exits the Geofencing, a warning is sent immediately.
  • You can know when they arrive and when they leave school by simply adding their school location to the list of geofencing.
  • Set safe zones – You can set safe zones such as home, school, and neighborhood to be notified when the child enters or exits the safe zones.
  • Mark risky areas – Teens may be enticed into dangerous friendships by other misguided children or evil adults if you suspect certain things, set up no-go zones to receive warnings when the child visits those locations, such as clubs and crime-ridden neighborhoods.

How You Set Up Geofencing on iPhone
You will help your child if they have an iPhone; you can use Apple's Find My Friends app (on your iPhone) to track them down and receive Geofencing-based alerts when they reach or exit a specific location. GPS is also built into the majority of smartphones on the market today, including iPhones. If you and your child already have an iPhone, all you have to do is download and install Geofencing software. Apple's Find My Friends is one such app. After installing the software on both computers, proceed with the steps below to build a geofencing:
  • Launch the Find My Friends app on your iPhone and invite your child by entering their contact information: To monitor your child's location, you must first "invite" them through the Find My Friends app and have them approve your request to see their location status from your iPhone. You can invite them via the app. You will have access to their current location information until they authorize the link unless they conceal it from you inside the app or disable location services. There are parental controls available to help prevent them from disabling the app, but there is no assurance that they will not switch off monitoring or their phone.
  • Accept the invitation you sent and create a passcode to prevent the child from changing the tracking settings: If you've been invited and approved as a "follower" of their location data, you can set a warning for when they leave or reach a Geofence area you specify.
  • Go to Settings and enable notifications: Unfortunately, you can only set one notification event from your phone at a time. Suppose you want multiple alerts for multiple locations. In that case, you must set up recurring notifications from their computer, as Apple determined that this function should be activated only by the person being monitored, not by the person tracking them.
  • Select the Notify Me choice after clicking on your child's name in the Find My Friends app on your iPhone.
  • Choose if you want to get notifications when your child enters or exits the Geofence zone. To choose the venue, select others: If you need a more comprehensive tracking solution, check out Footprints for iPhone. It has some pretty cool Geofence-related features, including location history. It can also monitor whether your children are over the speed limit when driving (or being driven). Footprints also have parental controls to help prevent your children from going "stealth mode" on you.

How You Set Up Geofencing on an Android Phone
Google Latitude does not yet support geofences. If you're looking for a Geofence-capable Android app, your best bet is to look into a third-party solution like Life 360 or Family by Sygic, all of which have Geofencing capabilities.

How You Set Up Geofencing on Other Types of Phone
Even if your child does not have an Android or an iPhone, you might be able to use location monitoring Geofence services by subscribing to carrier-based "Family Location" services such as those provided by Sprint. Check with your carrier to see if they have Geofence services and which phones are supported.

The Best Ways to Use Geofences at Home
Geofencing can be used in various ways, all of which can make life simpler and save resources. One of the most valuable aspects of this location-based technology is initiating a series of actions as people enter or exit a Geofenced region.

You can combine Geofencing with intelligent security systems such as Constellation Connect for even more energy savings, which can easily connect systems in your home for quick access and control. Keeping this in mind, the following are some of the best geofencing options for your house.

Set up intelligent routines for controlling your devices using Geofencing
Once you've figured out how to do Geofencing, you'll notice that there are many ways to integrate it into your intelligent routines to make them even more effective.

Set thermostats to change automatically when you leave or return home.
Maintaining the optimum temperature setting when you are not at home or asleep can be difficult. Fortunately, Geofences can be configured to set thermostats to an energy-saving temperature when you leave for the day and then switch on the heating or cooling automatically when you return.

Use Geofencing in conjunction with ENERGY STAR®–certified smart thermostats for enhanced comfort and performance.

Set your lights to turn off, and you'll never waste electricity again.
Forget about wasting electricity by leaving lights on! Geofences can be used to configure your lights to switch off when you leave for the day and turn back on when you return.

It also provides a comfort level because you don't have to think about searching the house for lights that have been left on. You also don't have to constantly ask your children to switch off the lights, thanks to Geofencing.

Schedule smart appliances to complete tasks while you are abroad.
Geofencing makes it easy to automate your house. Geofences may be used to turn on or off appliances such as robot vacuums. Geofencing will assist you if you are on your way out the door but need to start a load of laundry. Washing machines can be programmed to start a load, dishwashers to start a loop, and televisions to turn off when you leave the Geofenced field.

Geofence-enabled security measures will improve your home's security.
You can secure your home with Geofence-enabled security systems for added peace of mind. Consider connecting your devices with an intelligent protection system like Constellation Connect if you want easy access to all of your smart devices.

Use smart locks to secure your property automatically.
One of the most popular applications for Geofencing is home security. Smart locks, for example, can be programmed to lock and unlock based on who enters and exits a venue. Are you working late but concerned about your dog? You can program your device to let a neighbor in if your dog wants to go for a walk while you're not home.

Smart locks with Geofencing will also encourage kids to come and go without you having to worry about them losing their keys—or leaving the door unlocked!

With Geofence-enabled video surveillance, you can keep an eye on your house.
Geofencing makes home video surveillance a breeze. Surveillance cameras can be enabled when you are away from home and deactivated when you return. Geofencing activated sensors, for example, may be used to detect motion and prevent break-ins. You may access your monitoring systems or control sensors remotely for added peace of mind.

Open and shut garage doors without having to think about it or press a button.
Don't be concerned about leaving the house and failing to lock the garage door! You can configure your intelligent garage doors to open when you pass a virtual boundary, such as a line across your driveway or down the street, using Geofencing. Similarly, after you leave the designated location, the garage doors can be configured to close to conserve energy and secure your belongings.

Keep track of your loved ones by using Geofencing.
If you care about someone, you typically spend a lot of time making sure they're safe. You may use Geofencing to keep them out of trouble by creating virtual boundaries.

Maintain the safety of your children both inside and outside the home.
One of the most significant advantages of this technology is assisting parents in keeping track of their children and ensuring that they are healthy and nearby. Consider the following: Your six-year-old is playing in the yard when he wanders away. When your child leaves the safe zone, a Geofencing app sends you an alert, allowing you to respond immediately.

You can also use Geofencing to create boundaries around unsafe areas around your house, which can help keep toddlers safe from possible dangers (like swimming pools). You can also use Geofencing to help with child protection, missing pets, or elderly parent care once you've learned how to do it.

Find your pets if they become separated from you.
It can be stressful to leave your loyal four-legged pet in the yard unattended. What if he notices a squirrel across the street and tries to track it down? Geofences can be set to give you updates right away before Spot gets too far away or gets lost.

Here is the List of 10 Geofencing Apps to protect Your Kids
These Geofencing applications allow parents to track their children's behavior to not encounter the wrong side of the technological environment at the wrong age. So, whatever the intent, from data restriction to location prohibition, this program can handle it. If you feel the need for such tools, here is a list of ten Geofencing application software that will allow you to monitor your children's daily activities!

This application program allows parents to be less worried about their children because it constantly monitors them.

Key Characteristics:

This application employs Geofencing software to track their child's current location and internet browsing content. It's all about Famisafe. Here take a closer look at the key features of the app.
  • Location Tracking: Use this function of the FamiSafe app to ensure that your child is safe and not in danger by visiting a prohibited location.
  • App Blocker: If your child has a mobile phone and doesn't want him to use a misleading app, you will limit what he can and cannot use.

It is a well-known beauty brand that is well-known globally—it has more than 2300 stores in 33 countries. The Sephora app is available for both iOS and Android users. This brand's app includes Geofencing features, which send you a push notification when you pass by any Sephora stores nearby. It is the most geofenced version of the app.

MobileSpy is a monitoring and spying app with many features, including geofencing. To keep track of your child, MobileSpy offers the most sophisticated geofencing options available. You will be able to create virtual boundaries around certain geographical locations, and you'll be notified when your kids enter or depart the designated area. The features include:
  • Provides 24/7 monitoring.
  • You can set safe zones for your kids.
  • Mark dangerous territories.

It is a tracking app for mobile phones. This is an excellent app for parents to shield their children from bullies, cyberbullying and other similar issues. This software is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Spyic is a Geofencing technology that gives you access to a mobile phone's texts, call logs, contacts, and GPS location. Since it is less expensive, this app is one of the most popular surveillance tools available on the internet.

GizmoControl Family
Without a doubt, the internet improves and simplifies our lives, but it also threatens our privacy on the margins. Keeping in mind that security is a top priority for everyone these days, GizmoControl Family provides excellent security solutions for your loved ones and family. This software includes Android parental control and system management, anti-virus security, a family locator, and Geofencing. Use this software to safeguard your family's internet protection and other possible risks.

Control-Apple Maps
This apple-map service is exclusive to the iOS platform and is pre-installed on the unit. This service includes Geofencing and other complex features that aid in determining your current position and where you are going. This service on Apple devices and Google Maps on Android has made driving more comfortable and enjoyable.

This Geofencing application, developed by Kaspersky Labs, is intended to protect children from possible internet threats such as cyberbullying, predators, pornography, and so on. This app has features that will monitor your child's location and notify you if he is in danger. It also aids in the management of computer internet/data use time. It also prevents your child from viewing material that he or she is not permitted to view.

Links by RedTrac
The key features of this software are Geofencing and GPS monitoring. This mobile-friendly app allows you to obtain personalized updates and reports. To collect data, this software employs sophisticated technologies such as telemetry and satellite transmission. Even though the technology used is complex, the user interface of this app is very convenient and user-friendly. This software is available in both a cloud-based and installed version.

This app assists you in geocoding and reverse geocoding by using Geofencing technology as the main feature. It allows for the incorporation of satellite imagery as well as the layering of GIS maps. It supports map data in more than 80 countries and can be deployed on-premises or hosted in the cloud. The industry of oil and gas is the largest user of this program.

Timesheet Mobile
Timesheet Mobile is a helpful app that allows you to precisely job-related locations. This software, in collaboration with QuickBooks, enables users to export data to ADP and Sage payroll. This is a cloud-based Geofence app that works on both iOS and Android.

Benefits of Geofencing in School Travel Bus for Kids
The benefits of geofencing can be felt by both school administration and parents of students who travel by bus. The primary advantages are as follows:

Fleet Management Made
EasierFleet managers can keep the whole record fleet at a glance thanks to Geofencing and live to monitor. If a bus reroutes itself and crosses the Geofence, management will be notified immediately. It helps them to take immediate action to determine the reason for the rerouting and makes their operations more effective.

Controlling the driving speeds
In addition to providing real-time location information, Geofencing enables school officials to monitor the bus's speed. This assists authorities in identifying reckless drivers and maintaining driver safety standards. Authorities should plan driver training programs to strengthen the school's safety policy if needed.

It makes it easier for schools to ensure the safety of their students
Parents rely on the school to know where their children are at all times, from the moment they board the bus to the time they are dropped off. Geofencing makes this challenge much easier for schools. They can now monitor buses along various routes, ensuring that students on the bus are protected throughout their commute.

Pink Ups and Drops Scheduling Made Easier
Geofencing allows parents to receive notifications when the bus enters a specific location. This makes it easy for parents to drop off and pick up their children at the bus stop. For example, parents may elect to be informed when the bus departs the last stop and then take their children to the bus stop. This reduces the number of time children would spend waiting at bus stops.

Parental Peace of Mind
Most significantly, geofencing provides peace of mind to parents of students who ride the school bus and fosters trust between them and the school authorities. They will be able to rely on school officials to know where their children are at all times and to be ready to respond quickly to any bus rerouting or unwanted stops.

Simple Accessibility
Geofences can be connected to a variety of devices. Alerts can be sent to parents' phones or emails when a school bus enters and leaves a Geofence. This ensures that calls are not missed and that parents are still in touch with the school.

What Geofencing with Child Safety Sums Up?
It is often preferable to be one step ahead of your children when it comes to using technology. Let's look at how Geofencing will help us protect our children by creating virtual perimeters for them.
  • Setting up virtual boundaries around safe zones such as home and school: Parents can monitor their children's whereabouts using computers, tablets, and cell phones. For all times, this will provide them with a good picture of where their children are. In addition, warnings will be sent if the child departs from the assigned school boundaries.
  • No-Safe Zone Alerts: If you are concerned about your child visiting a friend in the area, you might want to consider using Geofencing software that will send you an alert if they leave your permissible boundaries. Unsavory adults or other children often trick children into perilous friendships. You will always be alerted if your child reaches a geofenced area or site if you use a Geofencing app.
  • Keeping Track of Teen Drivers: If your child has already begun driving, it is a good idea to set up Geofencing for your vehicle. Geofencing warnings will be activated immediately if the car enters a Geofenced "off-limits" area or exits its designated zone.

Suppose you have reason to suspect that your child is in danger. You may want to think about a more permanent Geofencing method. In principle, tracking their mobile device is a good idea. And it is impossible that your child would abandon it carelessly. On the other hand, phones are one of the first things that people take from you if they have bad intentions. And if that's the case, it's impossible to help. So, inquire around to see if there's something you can do to make your monitoring more permanent!

It is commonly stated that the internet has made child abuse incredibly convenient for perpetrators. However, it is essential to note that technology is just as good as we make it. Many technological resources have enormous potential for preventing child violence. Geofencing is one such technological advancement that can be particularly useful in this regard.

Parents must give in to their desire for a personal smartphone when their children reach a certain age. Since the internet is so vast and risky, you never know when it will engulf your kids! And, since even parents' lives revolve around their computers, using technology to your advantage is a wise decision. Several hazards endanger children. But, thankfully, we can now correctly equip ourselves with resources that can potentially keep them secure. Consider this when deciding whether to use a geofencing tool or a position monitoring app. It may not be sufficient for all, but it is a viable choice to consider.

Local directives and public safety standards limit people's movements as the unseen disease spreads across the city. Still, when it comes to your family's health and safety, you can never be too cautious. You can use Child Safety Tracker's Geofencing features to classify areas with a high risk of disease and label them as 'danger' zones. This will assist you in ensuring that your children never move into some dangerous regions of the community.

Author: Keira Zelman

Keira Zelmanis a parent-focused writer at She focuses her efforts on helping children reach their full potential academically, in social and linguistic terms and fosters and promotes the growth and development of parents and children. She aims to build a better and positive environment for children through her writings.

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